2016年6月18日 星期六

[TOP 5] After You光看就已經想舔屏了

After You是曼谷最受歡迎的甜品店,在短短的時間內已經有好多家分店。重點是每一家都是人山人海的唷!我想,對我來說,它賣的已經不是甜品,而是想念了。

After You is always FULL, why? Because the yummy dessert!! Please put this in your itinerary.

TOP 5 dessert you should order in After You as below:

1)   Mango Sticky Rice Kakigori/ Milo Volcano Kakigori

OMG~ Do you know Bangkok is soooooo… hot?! And when you sweat, you will need some ICE. Where the ICE from? After You Kakigori!!
天啊,這碗冰絕對適合天氣熱的曼谷。同時,我也很佩服After You把芒果糯米飯變成一碗透心涼的冰品。除了保有傳統的口感,更可喜的是加入了創意。而美祿冰更不用說,一層層你熟悉的味道,加入沒辦法令人拒絕的冰!天啊,我又戀愛了。

2)   Chocolate Mud Brownie

I always have brownie in KL but this is what I love most.
真的,這是我吃過最好吃的Chocolate Brownie

3)   Double Chocolate and Nuts Panookie

The crispy biscuit and the pot is HOT, but the ice-cream is cold. When these combine together, it’s call YUMMILICIOUS!!

4)   Mille Crepe

I couldn’t find another but AWESOME!!

5)   Shibuya Honey Toast

After You signature toast, do you think you should miss it? How dare you!!

After You的招牌厚片吐司之所以好吃,是因為它那鬆軟的外層,加上內裡含有香味撲鼻的奶油香。所以它不是虛有其表的哦!

After You的分店唷!

4 則留言:

  1. 在曼谷有好的咖啡馆推荐?

    1. Hi, You can check from here: https://jsunmag.blogspot.my/search/label/Bangkok%20is%20Krung%20Thep

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